Sunday, August 3, 2008

92 Days and 5 Hours To Go: The Only Thing You Can Promise Is That One Day You'll Die

When you knock on a door out campaigning, you never know what you're going to get on the other side.

A little while ago, I go up to a house, ring the door bell, and hear somebody yell "hey, somebody's at the door, go get it!"

So, I wait for 2 or 3 minutes until a young man comes to the door followed by what I assume was his grandfather.

The grandfather has no shirt on, and looks like a slightly shorter version of Telly Savalas, and I start to go into my script.

Apparently his most important issue is also what i've found to be the most important issue to voters, saying that things suck and all the politicians are crooked and only looking out for each other, so on and so forth.

Once he started talking about the municipal level politicians, I had to be more neutral due to my position on the Merrimack Ethics Committee, telling him about the Ethics Committee and letting him know that it's here for oversight of public employees and public officials and what to do if he thought a town employee or a town elected official was acting unethically.

However, I told him that even with the Ethics Committee, I couldn't promise anything in regards to helping him regain his trust in government, and for that matter I couldn't promise him anything other than the only three things I can promise anybody, and he replied with an interesting statement...

"I don't expect any more out of you, but the only thing anybody can ever truly promise is that one day they'll die."

We talked for another few minutes about things, and he wished me luck, thanked me for coming by as well as for running for office, and said I had gotten his vote.

Still, after that moment of clarity, I doubt that in the grand scheme of things that his or anyone else's vote is truly 100% guaranteed.

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