Saturday, September 13, 2008

No, The Election Isn't Over Yet

There's a strange phenomenon going on right now in Merrimack.

Many people, especially the Republicans, are taking their lawn signs down.

This isn't just the people who have lost their primary and had to have taken them down by yesterday under RSA 664:17, strangely enough, some of those are still up.

In the end, the lawn sign purge made some people I talked to think that the election season was over, that the primary was in fact the election itself.

It's an interesting phenomenon to be sure. I cannot discount the saavy and work ethic of the Republicans for a second, but I don't think this will make a big impact.

However, if you know someone who voted in the primaries who thought that was the big enchilada, please tell them to vote on November 4th.

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